Inspiration Peak - South Face

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Part of the McMillan Spire group in the Southern Pickets, North Cascades, "Inspiration is a thin rock wedge with a high granite crown". Like the McMillan Spires, it's North Face is an imposing 1500 foot grade IV 5.9 climb, difficult to access, but the West, East, and South Faces all yield moderate 5th-class climbs on firm, high quality rock, from a well-established climber's trail. My 2012 objective is the imposing, steep, 800 foot South Face, with quality 5.8 climbing including in the unique "Great Gash" chimney that splits the upper face.
- Glenn Widener
Part of the McMillan Spire group in the Southern Pickets, North Cascades, "Inspiration is a thin rock wedge with a high granite crown". Like the McMillan Spires, it's North Face is an imposing 1500 foot grade IV 5.9 climb, difficult to access, but the West, East, and South Faces all yield moderate 5th-class climbs on firm, high quality rock, from a well-established climber's trail. My 2012 objective is the imposing, steep, 800 foot South Face, with quality 5.8 climbing including in the unique "Great Gash" chimney that splits the upper face.
- Glenn Widener

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  1. Glenn Widener

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